Verify Physical Receipts in Consumer Insight Campaigns

 |  Last updated:

August 21, 2024

zero-party data

The ability to verify physical receipts while also gathering customer purchase insights, became Cheetah Digital's secret weapon, turbocharging their marketing platform and winning over new clients left and right. By teaming up with Taggun's whip-smart AI for receipt scanning, Cheetah gave its 3,000+ global brands a golden ticket to customer insights. Now, instead of guessing what shoppers want, these brands can instantly validate purchases and tap into a treasure trove of real-time data. The result? Customer engagement shot up by a whopping 30%, and marketers finally got their hands on that elusive zero-party data gold. It's like Cheetah Digital handed their clients a crystal ball, helping them craft personalized marketing experiences that actually hit the mark. The outcome was a solid step forward in the competitive world of customer engagement!

Cheetah Experiences are built around a zeroparty data strategy, enabling non-technical marketers to gather important data and insights, understand their consumers, and power one-one marketing programs. Working with Taggun gave us the ability to accurately collect customer data enabling us to deliver highly personalized experiences.

Terry Mesfut

Director of Strategic Alliances


The challenge

Cheetah Digital Faces the Receipt Verification Challenge

Cheetah Digital, serving over 3,000 brands across 13 countries, faced growing demand for advanced marketing capabilities. Their clients sought more intelligent, automated solutions to keep pace with evolving consumer behavior and increasing data privacy concerns.

The key challenge centered on receipt validation for "exchange-for-value" campaigns. Clients wanted to offer rewards in exchange for proof of purchase, but manually verifying receipts from various retailers was inefficient and unscalable.

Cheetah Digital needed a solution that could:
1. Validate receipts in real-time
2. Extract specific data from diverse receipt formats
3. Integrate with their Experiences platform
4. Handle high volumes from major retailers
5. Maintain strict data privacy standards

Without a robust receipt validation system, Cheetah risked losing market share and failing to meet client needs. They required a partner to rapidly bridge this technological gap, enabling them to deliver the cutting-edge capabilities their clients demanded.

The journey & solution

Cheetah Digital Transforms Customer Engagement with Physical Receipt Verification

Cheetah Digital partnered with Taggun to develop a robust solution for verifying physical recipts.

The collaboration progressed swiftly with Taggun integrating their API into Cheetah's Experiences platform, enabling real-time receipt processing.

Custom AI models were developed to extract specific data points, including curated retailer names and structured addresses.

The solution underwent rigorous testing and refinement using real-world data from Cheetah's clients.

Within 4 weeks, the complete system was deployed and operational.

The final solution provided Cheetah Digital with:
- Real-time proof of purchase validation
- Accurate extraction of key receipt data
- Flexibility to handle diverse receipt formats
- Scalability for high-volume processing

This partnership allowed Cheetah Digital to enhance their marketing capabilities while focusing on their core competencies, leveraging Taggun's AI technology to meet evolving client needs.

Key outcomes

Boosting Marketing ROI with Effective Real-time Receipt Verification

The Cheetah Digital - Taggun partnership delivered significant results:

- 30% increase in customer engagement for campaigns using the new receipt verification system
- Custom AI solution deployed within 4 weeks, enabling quick market response
- Predictable pricing kept the project within budget while scaling capabilities
- Improved zero-party data collection, powering more personalised marketing strategies
- New high-profile client acquisitions, expanding Cheetah Digital's market share
- Streamlined operations through automated receipt verification, reducing manual labor and errors
- Enhanced competitive positioning with cutting-edge, AI-driven receipt validation offerings

The technicals

The tech behind the scanning and validation

Taggun's AI-powered receipt scanning technology revolutionized Cheetah Digital's consumer insight capabilities:
- AI Models and OCR
- Pre-built models extracted common data: retailer name, address, date, time, and totals
- Custom models captured specific info: curated retailer names, structured addresses, and detailed product data
- Integration and ProcessingSimple API integration enabled real-time verification and extraction
- Seamless incorporation into Cheetah's Experiences platform
- Flexible system processed diverse receipt formats from any retailer
- Security and Performance
- Enterprise-grade data encryption and regulatory compliance
- Processing times of seconds per receipt
- 95%+ accuracy for key data points
- Scalable to handle campaign-driven upload spikes
- This robust technological foundation empowered Cheetah Digital to offer advanced consumer insight capabilities, solidifying their market position.

Final thoughts

Turning Transactions into Relationships

The Cheetah Digital-Taggun partnership showcases the power of strategic collaboration in marketing technology. By leveraging Taggun's AI-driven receipt validation, Cheetah Digital significantly enhanced their client offerings.

Key Advantages
- Rapid deployment Custom AI models live within 4 weeks
- High accuracy 95%+ for key data points across diverse receipts
- Seamless integration Minimal disruption to existing systems
- Real-time validation Enabling immediate consumer engagement
- Future Outlook

This partnership positions Cheetah Digital to:
- Expand into new verticals with industry-specific validation
- Enhance personalisation through deeper consumer insights
- Develop sophisticated loyalty programs using purchase data
- Address privacy concerns with consent-based data collection

By partnering instead of building in-house, Cheetah Digital maintained focus on core competencies while quickly adopting cutting-edge AI. This approach not only solved immediate challenges but also laid groundwork for future innovations in personalised marketing.

As the marketing landscape evolves, such partnerships will be crucial in delivering exceptional client value and staying ahead of the curve.

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